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Auto Flip-up Flood Barrier

Auto Flip-up Flood Barrier


Model: SJ-AFUB


Tested by the German certification unit TUV PAS 1188 to achieve zero water leakage standards.


*Product Specifications:
The surface uses a stainless steel flower plate style, and can also assist in customizing the tiling. ※For details, please contact Sanjiu Sales Department.

Standard pit depths are 280mm and 330mm

The control box is professionally set, and the hydraulic cylinder drives the lift of the door panel by means of button operation. When the door panel is raised to the preset position, the system will automatically start the pressing action.

When the power supply is abnormal, the hydraulic cylinder can also provide emergency manual operation function, and the door body lifting effect can be achieved by manually operating the handle.

The material is stainless steel, which complies with the relevant regulations of CNS-8499G3164.


Flood Barriers and Doors